Just been talking to Dennis for Yahoo Analytics and he has sent me his latest post on the new Yahoo Analytics Consultants Network. He has very kindly let me republish his post below. From my perspective I think this is a great idea. I have worked with and know Dennis for years from his Indextools days and now Yahoo and putting this in place is a really strong move for Yahoo. having a network of accredited consultants is a great thing for businesses in the UK to use. on top of this the Yahoo Analytics package is one of the best out there.
Well done the guys down at Yahoo and here is the official post on the new consultants net work in Dennis Words:

Today, we are launching the Yahoo!
Web Analytics Consultant Network (YWACN) (please note that the link might not be active just yet).
I don’t know about you, but I personally think this is beyond exciting, and I am thrilled to see us take this (almost) final step towards full integration into Yahoo!
What is YWACN?This is a network of third party companies with expertise in deriving insight from Web Analytics AND deploying Yahoo! Web Analytics in particular. The purpose of this network is amongst other things to help our clients get the best out of the tool - and hopefully also help us spread the gospel of YWA. It might even alleviate the stress on my personal in-box!
You are more than welcome to compare this in idea to the GAAC network - there, I’ve said it! :-)
Who are the Consultants?A lot of the consultants are legacy IndexTools partners - and thus a bunch of folks who have years and years of experience in the actual technology, from before we turned purple. They are… drum roll please:
countquest.se, tribal-im.com, nordicemarketing.com, receptional.com, naviatech.fi, netvantagemarketing.com, e-dialog.at, Leads2Business.nl, milesbennett.co.uk, tricomb2b.com, sems.it, explido.de, booming.de, latitudegroup.com, emerite.cz, astrups.com, snowvalley.com, b-found.no, epsilonium.com, netprofiler.nl, acronym.com, networkintellect.com, coloradowebsolutions.com, contentmetrics.de, deducta.dk, eformation.de, e-interactive.es, eurorscg-riley.co.uk, engineready.com, inflow.dk, intellignos.com, onetomarket.nl, lbigroup.be, positive-thinking.co.uk, stonetemple.com, sundancemedia.ca, webcertain.com, studiocappello.it, zunch.com and creuna.dk.
We even added a few additional rock stars to that:webanalyticsdemystified.com, semphonic.com, stratigent.com, sapient.com, purpleclick.com, thesedays.com, bitbang.it and insightr.com.
48 YWACN partners all in all - and you should be able to see (once the link is activated) a
full list of YWACN partners on the YWA site. CALL them today, email them, tweet them .. heck, invite them out for dinner, they deserve it! (if you haven’t noticed, they are your new best friends)
Can I join?Perhaps ;-) If you really excel in the field of web analytics and truly are one of those consultancies that help derive actionable insights from web analytics for your customers - we would love to hear from you. In return and as a Member of this exclusive, global professional network of Yahoo! Web Analytics consultants you will receive a number of benefits, this including:
Yahoo! Web Analytics FREE account creation rights (This is sexy eh?) * Listing on Yahoo!’s Consultant Network web page
* Potential client referrals from the Yahoo! Sales team
* Exclusive “Yahoo! Web Analytics Consultant Network” icon for display on your website
* Premium levels of technical support and access to a partner portal
* Access to an exclusive YWACN forum to share ideas and technical tips with other top analysts worldwide
* Unique opportunities to work with Yahoo! to provide trainings, books and speaking engagements
Go have a look at the criteria for becoming a member of the Yahoo! Web Analytics Consultant Network on the web site.
Cheers :-)
/ Dennis R. Mortensen (
Good luck mate and maybe I will make the list one day ;-)